Wednesday, 16 February 2011
.:: The 'What Ifs' In Life... ::.
Cik asked me earlier today if I have my 'what ifs' in my life or am I the type who doesn't look back...I presume most people will have their 'what ifs' in their lives... pretty normal to feel so. But I don't really let it bother me too much... Certain things happened, unplanned or against my wishes... Shit happens... so just get on with my life... As the saying goes, "Things happen for a reason"... so if it doesnt go the way I want it to go, I just gotto put up a brave front & move on with what's in store.... Perhaps the future has better plans for me.
Then later on, I was thinking of another aspect of 'what ifs'... Like for instance, How my life would be if I'm not with Bebeh? Or how I'll be if I'm with someone else, instead? Will I be as happy and contented as I am right now or even a better life than this one? But then again, such thoughts shouldn't linger too much in my head cause I wouldn't want it to damage my heart.. :)
I don't deny that certain history or my past, I'd like to amend if only my 'what ifs' can make it come true so that certain episodes in my life would 'flow' in a nicer or in an amicable way... But then again, nah... I'm happy with how things are at the moment...
Labels: Friends, Ramblings, Reality Bites