Sunday, 22 September 2013

.:: Resurrected ::.

Back to donning riding gears and we have rode to KL in mid Jun.

Not enough with the NSH ride, we rode slightly further on early September. The corners & bends of Simpang Pulai & Tapah made our ride to Cameron Highland more interesting.

Our current ride is beyond comparison to FD6S but it has resurrected our passion on touring again.

Till then, more rides to come. Insya Allah...

It is not the ride or the destination that matters but it's the journey and who we are with that makes it worthwhile... 

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hayabusa_b@be @ 11:28 pm

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

.:: Goodbye 2012 & Hello 2013 ::.

What a way having to end the year by having a bad fall... Haha yup! I missed a step, tripped & thinking I wouldn't fall but nah... Instead landed hard on my forehead!

Yes it was at a public place and immediately my forehead swelled up almost like an egg... Argh WTH?! Sungguh tak glamour sak!

Thanks to my long fringe that I managed to cover the 'jendol' till I reached the carpark...

Anyway, 2012 has ended and it was a good year to me... Pretty normal I must say, with ups & downs... Memories formed & lessons learnt..

I hope 2013 will be a better year for me with with lesser freak accidents especially haha!

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hayabusa_b@be @ 4:11 pm

Saturday, 15 December 2012

.:: Unloved ::.

Feeling unloved on this lonely night...


hayabusa_b@be @ 11:40 pm

Sunday, 7 October 2012

.:: Right & Wrong ::.

How can something so wrong but yet feel so right at the same time?

What is wrong and what is right?

For have I lost my judgement to differentiate on what's wrong and what's right?

Or there's nothing wrong at all for being wrong and right at the same time?


hayabusa_b@be @ 6:54 pm

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

.:: Sick To The Core ::.

The first two weeks of Ramadan was challenging for me. I was sick... Very sick indeed.

I had fever, flu & cough. The first batch of antibiotics I refused to take but when I didn't get better, I went to the doctor again. With a stronger dose is medicine and antibiotic, I decided to finish em up. But seems that Klacid was not my kind of antibiotic coz I had diarrhea and hives .

My cough got worse and at one point of time I was breathless when I turned up for work. In less than an hour, I was at the taxi stand escorted by Winnie & Ah Ling. Yes I went home feeling horrible & weak.

For almost two weeks I was missing from office and lying flat on my bed . Coughing uncontrollably and feeling miserable most of the time.

I must say this is one of my worst experience in falling sick after losing a spleen four years back. I have almost zilch own antibodies and my immune system was quite bad. No more Thai blood running through my veins I guess.

And even at this very moment my cough has yet to fully recover and I'm still having a croaky voice! It's tiring having to speak in this croaky manner and having to cough & cough & cough... But Alhamdulillah I know I'm recovering slowly but surely...

After a few years of having a clean full fasting record during Ramadan, this year I have about 10 days waiting to be repaid.... :(

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hayabusa_b@be @ 7:52 pm